A wide range of resources available for you to download

Order and share to improve sun protection at your club.


“Sunscreen, before you hit the green.”

Social media tile to download and share | 394KB | JPG

“Be on par with your sun protection.”

Social media tile to download and share | 391KB | JPG

“Don’t drive a wedge in your game, be sun safe.”

Social media tile to download and share | 394KB | JPG

Golf pros guide to sun protection factsheet. (8682)

A4 Factsheet - the golf pro's guide | 735KB | PDF

Getting changed? Look for changes in your skin.

A4 poster to encourage golfers to check their skin regularly. | 1MB | PDF

Don’t play a round with melanoma.

A4 poster to educate golfers on the seriousness of melanoma. | 2MB | PDF

How to make wearing a cap sun-safer.

A3 poster to educate golfers on how to make wearing a cap sun safe. | 2MB | PDF

UV never stops keeping score.

A3 poster to educate golfers on the importance of sun safety at any age. | 3MB | PDF

UV is at play in any weather.

A3 poster to remind golfers to be sun safe all-year round. | 8MB | PDF


Order resources

Resources are free to all golf clubs participating in the Improve your long game program. Please submit an order form to request printed hard copies of resources, including posters, brochures or flyers.

If your club isn’t already a part of the program, please register your interest to join today.

For any questions or inquiries, please contact us at sunsmart@cancerwa.asn.au

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